May 28th, 2019
Great success of the INTEGROIL Final workshop
The workshop ‘INTEGROIL, FINAL PROJECT RESULTS’ organized by ACCIONA Agua was hold on May 21st at ACCIONA headquarters in Madrid. Likuid presented the CleanOil technology for produced water treatment and reuse in oil&gas extraction and the CBR Series for refinery wastewater treatment.
We want to congratulate ACCIONA Agua for the organization and thank all the people who made it possible, especially the project partners for the work that we have jointly carried out during the last 3 years. We wish to thank also all those who attended the workshop and shared their experience with us. It was a great opportunity for networking, discussion and exchange of knowledge. Finally, we take this opportunity to reiterate our warm thanks to the European Commission for their support to the INTEGROIL project (funded by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 688989).
More info here.
Click here to know more about INTEGROIL.