Wastewater treatment and reuse at Acesur
Membrane bioreactor technology with the Likuid-CBR filtration system.
Acesur is one of the world leader companies in olive oil production. Because of his environmental concern, Acesur is committed to improve the water&wastewater management leading the implementation of advanced treatment technologies.
Highly polluted industrial wastewaters require advanced technologies which guaranty the necessary efficiency as well as a reliable performance with minimum maintenance..
The group Acesur trusted on Likuid-CBR technology as the key technology to transform existing wastewater treatment plants in advanced membrane bioreactor systems..
Oil and grease and low biodegradable matter are main challenges with those kind of wastewaters. With a COD removal>95%, the CBR technology demonstrates its robustness and reliability. The final permeate is ready to be discharged (SS<5 ppm, turbidity<0,5 NTU and SDI<0,5), reused or sent to a RO unit for certain applications.