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Reusing the wastewater in one of the biggest mines in Peru. Likuid cross-flow technology.



The Antamina Mining Company S.A. Is a polymetallic mining complex containing one of the most important copper reservoirs in the world. The treatment and reuse of water on site becomes critical in activities located in remote areas or sometimes more than 4000 meters above sea level.

The mining activity is usually developed in large facilities where important volumes of material are removed, which are processed by mechanical, physical and chemical methods that finally allow obtaining the mineral and a set of by-products. For the development of the activities, the water is a fundamental resource, restricted strongly because much of the deposits are located in sectors of great scarcity. For this reason, mining companies make great efforts to reuse water in their processes and in all activities directly or indirectly associated with them.

Likuid cross-flow technology is a reliable technology which permits the settling of reusing strategies in mining processes and related activities. Slowly biodegradable matter, high SS concentrations, oil, HC, metals and other contaminants can be removed using compact, reliable and robust filtration units, with almost no chemicals and minimum footprint.

Reusing the wastewater in one of the biggest mines in Peru. Likuid cross-flow technology.
Reusing the wastewater in one of the biggest mines in Peru. Likuid cross-flow technology.
Reusing the wastewater in one of the biggest mines in Peru. Likuid cross-flow technology.
Reusing the wastewater in one of the biggest mines in Peru. Likuid cross-flow technology.