ATP Ingenieria is a Colombian company founded in 1995. Recognized for providing technical advisory services to the sectors: Oil, chemical, industrial and environmental. The services of ATP Ingenieria are divided into 2 main business units such as: Environmental and Integrity and Corrosion.
ATP is leading the management of lots of different facilities associated to the oil&gas industry. Hazardous wastes and oily wastewaters are some of the challenging effluents they treat in oil production activities as well as refineries and other related markets.
Likuid supplied to ATP one produced water treatment unit to remove oil, suspended solids, turbidity, colloidal matter and bacteria. With a feeding O&G concentration of up to 1,000 ppm, the system was able to deliver a treated water with O&G<3 ppm and SS<3 ppm so that it can be used for reinjection and other on-site applications.
Compared to conventional separation techniques, membrane technology offers easy implementation, considerable flexibility, compactness and good automation altogether with the decreasing installation and operation costs, makes membrane processes reliable, environmentally friendly, competitive and economically profitable alternative to other techniques.